Saturday, August 15, 2009

Miracles Do Happen

As I said yesterday, the tumor is a grade 1 (slow growing). There was talk of radiation, but the doctors decided that they will just keep a close eye on Jake and watch for any changes by MRIs and hope that it won't grow back. They said there was a 30-50% chance it could grow back, but if you look at the glass is half full theory then it is 50-70% chance that it won't grow back. The doctors said that if they see any changes at all, then they will zap it with radiation. So the good news is no radiation for now and hopefully never.

I wish you could see for your own eyes how well Jake is doing. In fact, if it wasn't for getting steroids to prevent swelling, he could go home. We think he will go home Monday. I know if it weren't for all of you and your faith and prayers we wouldn't be doing as well. I know I have felt strength through your prayers and good will. Thank you!!!!



  1. That is so great! We are so happy for you all!

  2. That's fantastic news! Fasting and prayer works. We're so glad to hear everything is going well. We miss you!
